So much has happened in the past weeks that I do feel like a different person now. I am aware that these intense emotions are brought about by biological factors. Yes, a lot of hormones are at play and I acknowledge that amidst all the chaos, there is a "self" inside me that is a neutral observer of all the thoughts that are going on in my head right now🧠(which is a concept from the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy). I'm using this theory to separate "the self" from the feelings that I am experiencing right now so that I can approach and process them with clarity.
Card reading has been my tool in doing this. With a specific topic/theme in mind, I interpret each card with the use of my intuition. I always ask the question "what comes to mind first when I see the card?" This method proved really effective for me in uncovering the ideas, emotions, and thoughts that are already floating in the surface of my subconscious.
For this card spread, I am using the Celestial Navigation Spread provided by The Phantomwise Tarot and Guidebook.
Card #1: The Ship - the current position or circumstance.
The first card drawn is the Five of Wands. In the card illustration, there are children holding sticks, appearing to be hitting a poor animal that is hanging from a rope connected to a branch of a tree.
I feel like this describes my emotional state right now. A lot of voices are ringing in my head. Many thoughts are being thrown in every direction, creating a sense of chaos. The voices are talking over each other, each wanting to be heard the loudest. This was kind of overwhelming, and moved me to tears the first time I experienced it 😢. But I am getting better with handling it. This "mental disturbance" is happening because my mind is trying its best to navigate through this situation. 😅
Card #2: The Sextant - a tool that may be used to aid on this journey
The card is the Four of Wands. In this specific Phantomwise card illustration, it is depicted as a layered cake with four sticks on the topmost layer, tied together with ropes. Looking at the card intuitively, I feel like it illustrates mutual support and open communication. These are the tools that will be used for the two people involved in navigating this moment of their lives. I'm also building the foundation wherein my actions are rooted from pure positive intentions towards the other person.
I have to say, this is really a very tricky road to walk on, akin to walking on thin ice. Heightened emotions can lead to recklessness. That's why I believe that it is important to take things slow.
To summarize: open communication, support, and the best intentions for each other are essential.
Card #3: The Evening Star - an idea or influence that may be fading
It's the Nine of Pentacles for this one. For the longest time, I have been navigating this world as an individual, but now there is someone that's interested to enter my world, and vice-versa. Relating to a concept from a workshop that I recently attended, the change involves two complete people enhancing their lives even more through each other's presence. I believe that this card is hinting on this limiting belief that I have for myself for the longest time, that I don't need face the world alone all the time.
The Pentacles suit relates to resources, and for this particular situation, that resource is time. Making plans may not be as straightforward as before; now, there is another person with whom I want to share my plans with. We are at a stage where we wish to be involved in each other's worlds, so blocking time in our schedule for each other becomes essential. This is how I interpret this card.
Card #4: The North Star - a point to keep constant
I got The Chariot. "The card suggests the need for focus, discipline, and the ability to steer life towards success despite challenges." This interpretation really hits the bulls-eye for me 🎯. Amidst all the chaos and changes happening for both of us, it is recommended that we still have boundaries. Despite the shared schedules and goals, we need to concentrate back on our own goals and responsibilities. Focus and discipline are key to do this. It is important to maintain individuality and not be drowned by the passing of emotions, especially during this very delicate early stage of the relationship.
Card #5: The Morning Star - an aspect that has yet to be considered
The Knight of Swords is my card for this. I feel like it refers to how I would approach the next level if this relationship does progress. I haven't really thought of this, but I'm relieved that we got to have a discussion regarding this. I believe the card serves as a reminder to take my time to think about this area in this journey.
Card #6: The Far Shore - the goal or destination
I got the Seven of Pentacles, which is associated with assessment, patience, and long-term investment. The goal is to assess overall progress, establishing checkpoints to determine where we are and where we want to go in this relationship. It is essential to express patience in any conflicts that may arise.
I know it's still too early in the journey, but I believe it's worthwhile to establish this already at the onset. I believe regular conversations about feelings and perceptions of progress are important to ensure both parties are on the same page, eliminating confusion about the relationship's direction. Again, my rule of thumb is that my actions are rooted from the best intentions for the other person. We should consult with each other regularly to assess whether we are satisfied with how things are progressing, whether we need to pause, and if there are any conflicts of interest that are arising. The progress checkpoint is crucial for maintaining clear communication between both parties.
This is a nice spread. I get to flesh out all the thoughts that I have been juggling in my mind recently. I guess this is my way of journaling. 📝✨ In this very confusing part of my journey, I pray to always have sound judgment on how to approach situations, to not be swayed by emotions, and to avoid careless actions. 🙏
Thank you, Universe, for the guidance.